Saturday 2 May 2015

Presentation Feedback and Where to go from here

From presenting my ideas to class they've given me the feedback to go away and watch some series of True Blood to get a better understanding of the character break downs. I noticed I've got a little bit mixed up with some characters anyway and feel a lot more confident within my project now I've watched the programme. I want to change this a little so will make a new presentation to showcase my new ideas! I feel its good to have trail and error to explore my project even more and for it to be a little more interesting to my audience. Sharon told me to take my project a little further and outside of the box of the characters from the show and not to keep the characters to be as similar to the ones in the show of True Blood. I'm going to experiment more with this and make some new exciting ideas for my characters. Further to this I need to find models and decide my settings for the shoots! I will also finalise face chart ideas.

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