Tuesday 5 May 2015

Evaluation Of Gothic Horror

To finalise my project I will now conclude how the project went for me. Firstly, I very much enjoyed the project 'Gothic Horror' overall. It was an exciting and new part of the course which I extremely enjoyed both parts to the project. I enjoyed researching for Gothic Horror and found out a lot about Victorian times through this. It was interesting learning about history within the project. I felt that learning about 'moment moris' and 'death masks' really interesting as I didn't know anything about these gothic elements to gothic history. I found the practical side of the project really inspiring too. I hadn't worked with prosthetics before so found this a really great insight to learning more about this. I found inspiration of Great Expectations quite a challenge as I had to choose a look which I would be able to recreate in the second part for the continuity assessment. I found this was really down to making sure I took the same steps to the first look and practice really helped me to make the look more exact for the second assessment. I found that listing everything on a detailed face chart helpful as well as writing a step by step guide as well as for hair. I found a few challenges when it came to hair for practicing for Miss Haversham as I didn't want the look to be too well put together but I did want structure and not a big mess! I overcame some difficulties by adding a hair extension to the look. But I found that overtime and practicing the look I wanted to create really helped when it came to designing my final Miss Haversham look. I think the continuity aspect went well too; when I look back at both images for Miss H I am really happy with the similarities of both photos. 

As for my Estella look I was really confident with the hair practice as I found a step by step guide really helpful to follow in the actual assessment. It was a look I really enjoyed creating within hair and felt it gave that romantic feel which would've been a typical style in the late Victorian times. I liked the structured look but it did look light and flowy with curls at the same time. As for makeup I was restricted a little as the makeup Estella was a young and fresh faced beauty, I decided to take the time on making her skin look dewy and glowing and making the eyes and lips very minimal but pretty and natural. 

Then as the second part of the project started I found the brief a little confusing to start with. I hadn't watched many horror linked TV series before so struggled to choose one to fit in with my Claudia/Quentin/Miss Ladderman series. I do however find the stories within the Claudia and Quentin scenario interesting and found you can really experiment and think outside of the box with it all. I really loved having freedom and independence with models and locations to shoot with with these characters. I chose to use True Blood as my TV series and I felt characters could relate really well to the ones in our mini series. I did my presentation but Sharron felt the characters I chose were a little too similar so I went away in the easter break and changed a few things which I had in my presentation. I found it fun shooting with a male model as I haven't used a male for my shoots yet. Using shading and working with structure in a males features is quite interesting too. I found the Quentin shoot went really well and my model had the right structured face and expressions I wanted to show when creating this character for Quentin. I also liked the styling using different leathers to use on him. I did use a little prosthetics too on his arm which I was pleased with. As for Claudia; I found it hard to get a model who I was visioning for Claudia, she's a character who I wanted to look quite innocent with an evil side. I felt the location I chose was a good choice but the lighting wasn't particularly great for the day of the shoot unfortunately. I liked the makeup aspect of Claudia and enjoyed designing this. I liked the way I did her 'polka straight' hair too for Claudia. Miss Ladderman's shoot was also fun and I curled her hair to make it all big and bouncy. I then used a large feline flick and darkish smokey eye, I added lashes with liquid eyeliner on the bottom of the lashes to elongate the appearance of the lashes in the photos. I was really disappointed with how the photos for this shoot turned out as they were a little blurry. I feel my photography isn't as strong as I want it to be and I struggle with camera settings sometimes which I really want to change over the summer! I want to be able to have crisp professional images to compliment the make up and hair design which I'm proud of. Overall I found the project both challenging and enjoyable, I hope to go back to using prosthetics at some point to perfect my skills and have a larger range of knowledge  I found the history part really memorable of this project and feel a little spooked out myself by thinking about gothic ideas! I'm thankful for using continuity to be aware of this for industry practice and I want to further my ideas and think even more outside of the box for my characters next time. 

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