Sunday 3 May 2015

A Little About: True Blood

True Blood is a TV series set in a small town of Louisiana in America. The TV series includes a sequel of drama including characters of different species including vampires, fairies, humans and werewolves. Sookie Stackhouse is the main character in the series who can hear what people are thinking. She is a fairy who attracts vampires. She is a normal (girl next door) who is a waitress at a local bar. I've watched a few episodes as research and found that Sookie's persona really stood out to me. Because she is a strong independent female it made me think of how she relates to Claudia in our C & Q brief.

The first episode I watched showed how Sookie is quite a vulnerable character who gets herself into difficult situations when it comes to romance. She meets a vampire who she wants to have a romance with but soon realises he could be bad news. This reminded me of Claudia's romance with Quentin as it is a little unhealthy as it is an imaginary relationship. On the other hand; Tara, Sookie's best friend reminded me of Miss Ladderman in our mini series as she is a strong independent woman who takes everything in her own stride. She is very opinionated and usually has an answer to everything. She has men falling for her all the time but she will not have any of it as she is so independent. I want my Miss L to come accross this way. It reminds me of how Miss L has influences Claudia too.

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