Monday 30 March 2015

Influential Older Women: Vivianne Westewood

Vivianne Westwood is an influential older lady. She broke into the fashion industry years ago and is still an icon who is highly respected. When doing research for Miss Haversham it reminded me of other older women I could take inspiration from. I find it really interesting how women can be so influential through years and years of inspiring other women of all ages.

Vivianne is a fashion designer who is 74 now. The reasons why she reminded me of reflecting on Miss Haversham are as follows:

She is British

She is powerful

She likes to shock people-shock value of punk.

She has been married twice, meaning she had one divorce which all relates to Miss Haversham. Here is some more info I found on Viv:

In 1962, Vivienne Swire met Derek Westwood, a Hoover factory apprentice, in Harrow.[6] They married on 21 July 1962 and Vivienne made her own wedding dress for the ceremony.[6] In 1963, she gave birth to a son, Benjamin Westwood.[6]- wiki
 For 30 years she lived in an ex-council flat in Nightingale Lane, Clapham,[56] until, in 2000, Kronthaler convinced her to move into a Queen Anne style house built in 1703, which once belonged to the mother of Captain Cook.[57] Westwood does not watch television or read newspapers or magazines; however she is a keen gardener.[58]

I love this image of Vivianne! She wears abstract makeup and fills her brows in with a red liner to match her eye makeup. She has the same feel as Miss H here with pale skin, and white hair!She's independent and loves making a statement. 

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